7th tradition

Telephone Meetings Daily
9pm EST 6pm PST
Phone 712-432-5200
Pin: 4285115#

According to OA’s 7th Tradition, “each group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

Our group has expenses, which include maintaining this website, the hosting of our podcasts, and contributing to the Virtual Intergroup of OA, Virtual Region, and World Service Office (WSO).

We are grateful to be able to give back to the meeting as it gives to us. Our contributions will help ensure a representative voice for our phone meetings in the ever-evolving OA meeting landscape.  


OA’s suggested contribution is $5 per meeting, please contribute whatever works for your recovery.

  1. Click on the “Contribute” button below
  2. Choose to make a single or recurring contribution
  3. Choose to contribute via PayPal®
  4. Or scroll down to contribute using a credit card.